Vital HGH

Vital HGH
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Vital HGH Compare?

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Rated: 8.75 out of 10

Vital HGH by Liddell Laboratories claims to be homeopathic human growth hormone spray. With promises of better sleep, increased energy and a decrease in body fat, Vital HGH is one of the few human growth hormone products produced from pharmaceutical HGH rather than using naturally occurring human growth hormone releasers.

Vital HGH Review

Vital HGH makes the marketing claim that because Vital HGH is a spray, the formula will be quickly and efficiently absorbed into the bloodstream within moments of oral application -- however due to their sub par formula, this is hardly a benefit. The main selling point of Vital HGH - its touted pharmaceutical grade HGH - brings up questions. Vital HGH is called a homeopathic remedy by the makers; however, in the same breath they indicate lab-created ingredients, contradicting themselves.

Vital HGH Ingredients

Thought Vital HGH is touted as a homeopathic product, the ingredients are anything but. In the same literature as they claim homeopathic status, the manufacturers of Vital HGH indicate they use human growth hormone produced in a laboratory rather than natural HGH releaser ingredients. Along with the active ingredient of human growth hormone, Vital HGH also contains pituitarum and hepar. Not present are the amino acids and natural herbs that would seem to go along with the claims of Vital HGH being a homeopathic product.

Buy Vital HGH

Vital HGH is available through many online retailers and even in some physical stores. To purchase from the manufacturer, Liddell Laboratories, a one ounce bottle of Vital HGH spray sells for $40. A flat shipping rate of $5 within the United States is offered, which is an attractive benefit, and the guarantee on Vital HGH indicates that any unused product may be sent back within 45 days for a refund.

Does Vital HGH Work?

The first issue that must be addressed with Vital HGH is the confusion regarding its homeopathic status. As some shoppers are more conscious than others about the types of ingredients used, they may feel mislead upon buying Vital HGH. While the initial claim is that it is a homeopathic spray, the lab created human growth hormone included as the active ingredient directly contradicts this statement.

Consumers who are especially concerned about using strictly homeopathic solutions or even with clear and truthful information from manufacturers will be wary of this product. As far as effectiveness, Vital HGH contains such a low concentration of HGH, without the added benefit of any amino acids or natural releasers included, that it will likely just give a small initial kick to energy levels, with tangible results tapering off in a few short weeks as the body adjusts.

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