- What is HGH?
- HGH Products
- Benefits of HGH
- HGH Ingredients
- Product Reviews
- What is HGH?
- Human Growth Hormone: The Fountain of Youth?
- How Aging Affects HGH Levels
- How HGH Can Improve Your Health
- Low HGH Symptoms and Causes
- Does AstraGin Enhance HGH?
- HGH Reviews
- Ulta Edge XL
- Deer Antler Force
- Utropin HGH
- GenFX
- HGH Energizer
- Always Young HGH
- Biogenica
- Fountain of Youth HGH
- Genf20 HGH
- GHR1000
- Growth Tech
- HGH Dopa
- HGH Energizer
- HGH Gold
- HGH Release
- HGH Surge
- HGH 1000
- Live Young Oral HGH
- Longevity HGH
- Maximum Result
- ProBlen HGH
- Renewal HGH Original
- Renewal HGH Advanced
- Renewal HGH IGF
- Renewal HGH Power
- Renewal HGH Workout
- Secretagogue Gold
- Somnidren
- Sytropin
- Ultimate HGH 1000
- Vital HGH
- Adrenal Reset
- Evlution Nutrition CRE+
- Clear Muscle
- Animal Omega
- Alpha Limit
- Pure Muscle X
- Alpha Ripped
- Testo Rampage
- AminoLast
- EAS Lean 15
- Prolactrone
- Pump Core
- Natural Sterol Complex
- Battle Ready Fuel
- N2 Guard
- Myoplex Shred
- Nitric Flow Extra
- Pro Muscle Plus
- Carbolin 19
- Ripped Max Muscle
- NO2 Boost
- SciVation Xtend
- Turinabol
- Phytohealth Conqurium
- Osta-Plex
- Super Mass Gainer
- Alpha Pro Muscle
- OxyWhey
Low HGH Symptoms and Causes
Human growth hormone, also called HGH, is a naturally-occurring hormone that is produced in the pituitary gland, which is a pea-sized organ located at the base of the brain. HGH is instrumental in fueling growth throughout childhood and in maintaining healthy organs and tissues throughout our lives.
Causes of Low HGH Levels
Like other hormones such as estrogen, testosterone, and melatonin, the amount of HGH we produce declines as we age. By early middle age, HGH levels are reduced significantly, which has led to medical research into the benefits of using synthetic HGH to regain energy, vitality, and youthfulness.
Some people have a rare condition that is characterized by pituitary deficiency. This is usually diagnosed when they are children, since their rate of growth is abnormally slow. Physicians who specialize in these cases prescribe daily therapy with HGH for these patients, which help to restore their normal rate of growth.
In addition, patients with AIDS- or HIV-related conditions such as muscle atrophy are often treated with synthetic HGH. Medical studies have shown that high doses of synthetic HGH are beneficial in increasing the weight and lean body mass in patients with AIDS or HIV.
Low HGH Symptoms
As human aging is a natural process, there is no way to slow down the clock. As levels of HGH produced by the pituitary gland decline, most people experience a variety of conditions with aging, including:
- A loss of energy
- Weight gain
- A reduction in muscle mass
- Less flexibility
- Lowered effectiveness of the immune system
- Depression
- Lower sex drive
- Insomnia or difficulty sleeping
Medical professionals associated with the Growth Hormone Research Society Scientific Committee have analyzed the results of studies regarding the use of HGH to control and reverse age-related symptoms. This group concluded that adults who are HDH deficient are notably less healthy, both in physical and psychological aspects, than their age-matched peers who receive HGH therapy.
How to Boost HGH
Health professionals have found that supplementation with HGH injections or oral consumables can slow or even reverse some of the signs of aging in our bodies. While early studies focused on synthetic HGH in the form of injections, more recent research indicates that synthetic HGH taken in pill form offers many of the same benefits as injected HGH.
Oral HGH supplements are an effective method to stimulate the levels of HGH circulating throughout the body, which results in slowing and often reversing many of the symptoms that we associate with the aging process. Medical research has shown that HGH supplementation offers a number of benefits, which include:
- Increasing energy levels
- Promoting weight loss
- Reducing fat while increasing lean muscle mass
- Improving mood levels
- Promoting healthy cardiac and circulatory functioning
- Strengthening the immune system
- Promoting peaceful sleep and reducing the occurrence of insomnia
- Increasing libido and sexual vigor
- Increasing flexibility and endurance
HGH supplements such as Ultra Edge XL have a proven track record in helping many people with low HGH levels.

The Fountain
of Youth?
The latest on HGH and healthy aging.

Research on HGH and women’s health.

Nearly every man can benefit from HGH.